The Mission of our Christ The King Religious Education Program is to:
Teach the Catholic faith and tradition to our members so that we can develop and build community. Promote worship and Prayer and motivate others to service.
We also invite all baptized persons to join us in responding to the call of the Mission that Jesus Christ has sent out for us to do. Faith formation is possible with the help of parents, families, religious and the community at large.
Goals for the Religious Education Program
The Religious Education Program's goal is to help in the faith formation of all students. One of the most important parts of the program is the sacramental preparation. This effort is not possible without the help and participation of the parents. Parents must play an active role in the preparation process. The program will offer ways in which the parents can begin their participation. Parents are encouraged to continue to bring their children to Religious Education classes even after their sacraments have been completed. The Sacrament of Initiation/ Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation are only the beginning to our faith formation. Regular annual attendance will help and encourage your children to be active in practicing their faith and sacraments.
Our program is not the only source of religious education for your child. It is unfair to think that a catechist would have enough time to effectively pass on the Catholic faith in one year. You, the parents, are the most important religious educators for your children. Parents will teach their children by word and action. It is in the home that children will come to appreciate prayer, liturgy, and catechism. Let us work together to teach them how important our catholic faith is to us. As adults if you need help with your faith formation, let us know. Faith formation is a life long journey and everyone is welcomed.