Responsible for the preparation and care of the altar and display of appropriate linens in accordance with the Liturgical calendar. The Altar Society meets every second (2nd) Sunday of the month at 11:00 AM
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion who serve the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass and to the sick and homebound.
The mission of the Guadalupanos is to honor with devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe, who is our Patron Saint of all the Americas as entrusted by Pope Pius the XII in 1945. Become a society member and live by the way of prayer, evangelization, and practice a life of charity.
Thursdays from 9:00AM to 3:00PM from September through April. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed and adored by volunteers who sign up for one hour or more to pray before the Lord Jesus present in the Monstrance.
Answering the call to discipleship by answering our call to spread the Gospel and teach the beliefs of the Catholic Church. Please contact the Director of Religious Education for more information at 210-433-6340
Advises the Pastor on financial matters of the parish and school. Responsible for monitoring all income and expenses, and approving the annual budgets.
Reader who proclaim the Scriptures at Mass and other services.
The PPC is involved in most activities and programs effecting the liturgical and spiritual life of St. Anyone Parish.
Duties include preparing the altar for Mass and cleaning the altar following Mass.
The pillars of our Church. The Greeters and Epic Volunteers assist people to their seats if necessary and take up the collection. Our First Line of Welcoming God's children!
This ministry evangelizes by sharing the ou love and compassion for the brother or sister who has passed on and shares in praying for the repose of their soul.
This ministry PROCLAIMS the Word of God. The ministry, in turn, develops and changes the lives of the proclaimed and the lives of the community receiving God's Word